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BMW Seria X5

Typ nadwozia
X5 30dX
Europa (ECE)
z prawej (R)
Skrzynia biegów
automat (A)
Data produkcji
BMW Seria X5 E70 LCI SAV X5 30dX ECE

Telematics Control Unit w Systemy komunikacji dla BMW X5 E70 LCI X5 30dX SAV ECE

Nr Nazwa i numer części Dodatkowe inf. Wymagana
Okres Cena
za sztukę
01AT-Telematics Control Unit
84 10 9231093

Dla samochodów z Instalacja tel. kom. Business i Sterowanie Combox
A TCU (telematic control unit) can only be ordered by specifying the vehicle identification number. The VIN is coded when the replacement TCU is delivered. Recoding is not possible. The TCU functions properly only with matching coding. Replacements TCUs cannot therefore be ordered in reserve! Retrofits and conversions to SA633 are not possible! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Dla samochodów z Sterowanie Combox
01AT-Telematics Control Unit
84 10 9231093

Dla samochodów z System nawigacji Professional i Instalacja tel. kom. Business i Sterowanie Combox
A TCU (telematic control unit) can only be ordered by specifying the vehicle identification number. The VIN is coded when the replacement TCU is delivered. Recoding is not possible. The TCU functions properly only with matching coding. Replacements TCUs cannot therefore be ordered in reserve! Retrofits and conversions to SA633 are not possible! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Dla samochodów z Sterowanie Combox
01AT-Telematics Control Unit
84 10 9231093

Dla samochodów z System nawigacji Professional i Instalacja tel. kom. Business i Sterowanie Combox
A TCU (telematic control unit) can only be ordered by specifying the vehicle identification number. The VIN is coded when the replacement TCU is delivered. Recoding is not possible. The TCU functions properly only with matching coding. Replacements TCUs cannot therefore be ordered in reserve! Retrofits and conversions to SA633 are not possible! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Dla samochodów z Sterowanie Combox
02Uchwyt Telematics Control Unit
65 15 6969560

A TCU (telematic control unit) can only be ordered by specifying the vehicle identification number. The VIN is coded when the replacement TCU is delivered. Recoding is not possible. The TCU functions properly only with matching coding. Replacements TCUs cannot therefore be ordered in reserve! Retrofits and conversions to SA633 are not possible! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Dla samochodów z Sterowanie Combox
154,66 PLN
w ciągu 5 dni
03Nakrętka sześciokątna
07 11 9904019

A TCU (telematic control unit) can only be ordered by specifying the vehicle identification number. The VIN is coded when the replacement TCU is delivered. Recoding is not possible. The TCU functions properly only with matching coding. Replacements TCUs cannot therefore be ordered in reserve! Retrofits and conversions to SA633 are not possible! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Dla samochodów z Sterowanie Combox
M54 do 2006-05 niedostępny
03Nakrętka sześciokątna
07 12 9906048

A TCU (telematic control unit) can only be ordered by specifying the vehicle identification number. The VIN is coded when the replacement TCU is delivered. Recoding is not possible. The TCU functions properly only with matching coding. Replacements TCUs cannot therefore be ordered in reserve! Retrofits and conversions to SA633 are not possible! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Dla samochodów z Sterowanie Combox
6,22 PLN
w ciągu 5 dni
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